Friday, January 22, 2010

Latest Poll Results

After Eric Sorenson of teamed with Easton and challenged one Division 1 baseball program to open up their season at midnight on February 19 for “Midnight Madness“, ILB polled the Lion Nation to get their reaction.

And the Lion Nation unanimously favored the “Midnight Madness” promotion. After doing some research most fans are in favor of the midnight start. They see it as a way of promoting the program and generating some excitement. It also serves as a way to get the students involved in a gimmick promotion that they want to be a part of.

However, most players and coaches are against the idea. They feel it breaks the normal routine of game preparation too much. And being it is the start of the season no one wants to get off to rocky start because of a promotion to start a game at midnight. Most players felt after playing the first game of a weekend series with a midnight start time they would be sluggish during the second game of the series.

As of Thursday night no Division 1 team had taken Sorenson up on his deal.

ILB Poll question: Would you attend “Midnight Madness” if the Lions took and Easton up on their deal to open the season at midnight on February 19?

Yes - 90%
No - 10%

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